By Judith LoneWolf In the beginning, I was there. Looking down through the ages. Longing to communicate with you, my beloved children. Wanting you to turn back to Me The One who lovingly created you, The One who knows you from beginning to end.I sent My Son to you, a precious baby. Salvation's plan was born. A baby to redeem the nations, A baby, the servant King. What will you do with Jesus? What will you do with My Son? 33 years, I lived among you, Walking daily in My Fathers will. Burdened with the sin of the world, You led me to the cross, high and lifted up. The One, true and perfect sacifice And now we reign in Heaven, Waiting the trumpet call, Returning in the clouds, To take my children home. Will you be in that number? Will you welcome Me as your King? Or is the price too high, that you had to leave Me in the manger?